Quick thoughts on tech

and it's importance in ecommerce growth


You’ll read about ecommerce tech companies with 8 or 9 figure investments. Don’t get me wrong, tech is wonderful (when used correctly) but tech companies should not be leading the narrative in the world of ecommerce. And, right now, they are. They’re owning the conversation.

It’s like you’re being forced to invest in new tech as the only route to achieve real, sustainable ecommerce growth.

It isn’t.

This industry, as it always has been, about people buying from people. Your job is to learn how to scale the human touch.

And the crazy thing is, I speak each day with marketers investing big in advertising and tech stacks to fuel ‘growth’ and ‘quick wins’. And I talk to founders of brands who invest all their time and effort into learning their customer and becoming better marketers. Becoming better communicators. Learning how to make what they make matter.

The latter group are the real winners. I see the data. I witness the results.

I have a very good friend who accepts his store is ‘bloody ugly’ and really should ‘be doing more’ with technology. The numbers he puts through his website (profits) would leave most of us salivating. Why? Because he has a team of brilliant, creative marketers.

Be wary of reading the blogs, the linkedin posts or best practice guidelines that push you towards using more tech. Tech isn't the message, it's the mechanic. Message is key. Your job is to build your brand less ordinary. To tell your story. That's your true differentiator.


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