Own the Hesitancy

Know the questions your customers need to be asking


You already know the one big reason people don't make their purchase.

You know what creates hesitancy. The 'will it' or 'won't it' question that sometimes overrides the emotive response to 'just buy it'.

Take the clothing industry as an example. As consumers we need to feel total confidence that what we buy will fit. We hate the idea of exchanges or the effort it takes to return an item. We're too busy for that.

And there are dozens of ways clothing brands can address sizing.

  • the model is 5' 11" and wearing size M

  • this item is a standard fit

  • all our clothes have standardised sizing (great for repeat purchase)

and then there's the sizing chart. The assumption you have a tape measure to hand... because that's what we do...

I love the use of tech introduced at TwoThirds.com. 'What's my size?' asks simple questions about you and your intended fit. And... just like that, using machine learned data, you have your size recommendation. You're no longer hesitant. You're now ready to make your purchase.

Another example of being truly customer-centric. Addressing the issues your customer faces. Investing wisely in technology and delivering a better shopping experience.

You may not work in the fashion industry but I no for sure that there are hesitancies your customers are facing right now. It's why 98-ish people out of every 100 leave your site without making a purchase. Listen to your customer and learn what stops them buying. Ask those simple questions. Ask post-purchase 'was there anything that nearly stopped you buying today?'. Grab the insight. Address the concerns. Own the hesitancy.


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