Bundling (an old lesson, but still relevant)

and it's influence on AOV

Bundle Your Way To Ecommerce Growth

Average order value is a wonderful metric to work on. Sounds obvious, but as long as you're seeing zero deterioration in product conversion rates (i.e. you start selling less, but the AOV is more) than you're in a really good place.

Most brands use a coupon code with a blanket 10% off products. Working with one DTC brand I wanted to persuade customers to spend more (they needed to increase AOV as acquisition costs were rocketing) bundling products which will then activate the discount.

So we turned off the 10% coupon code and created new discounts (still the 10%)  when a customer bought a combination of products.

Over the period of 1 year we managed to up AOV from £20 to £30. Same product range, just a new way to motivate additional product sales (per cart)...

And as we saw AOVs increase they are able to turn the tap a little more on ad spend. More customers, more reviews, more word of mouth... greater conversion rates.

and the growth trajectory started to look healthy. I've cut October as we're only partly way into the month (just in case you thought sales nose dived!).

To make the bundling a success we didn't simply operate a 'customers also like' mentality. We dug deep and explained to the customer we REASON why the two products worked well together.

Often you'll have a tendency to rely on the template messaging that you see on all ecommerce sites ('customers also bought...' etc etc). It's worthwhile adding your own commentary. An explanation of why products matter when purchased together (whether that be clothing, beauty products, food, drink... whatever) you have a simple mechanism to persuade people to spend a little more. In a helpful way.

This was a small bootstrapped DTC brand selling health products. I worked with them because I believed in the founders and believed in their product. I just wrote the copy that I, as a consumer, would want to read. No template required.


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